A Complete Player’s Guide To Sui Pixel

A Complete Player’s Guide To Sui Pixel
A Complete Player’s Guide To Sui Pixel

Sui Pixel, which is now taking place on Suipiens, is drawing the Sui community’s attention. Players can follow the guide in this post to join Sui Pixel.

About Sui Pixel

SuiPixels War is a community game inspired by R/place on Reddit. Each player's sole responsibility is to insert colored pixels on our 1000 x 1000 canvas. This will make the Canvas version more colorful.

The game incorporates cooperation and cultural competitiveness. You can comprehend: "Many people sketch pictures on canvas with the intention of expressing their culture through that painting." The Sui community in general and the Sui project organizations in particular, in our opinion, have unique cultural traits. We wanted to establish a space where different cultures could interact and learn from one another because everyone is different.

About Sui Pixel's Guide To Play

Join Sui Pixel at: https://pxls.suipiens.com/

Reward: The top 150 players with the most drawn pixels will receive prizes. The top 150 players will get OGs, WL Slots from quality projects, and a unique gift from the organizers. Try your hardest to fight; the payoff will be worthwhile.

When playing Sui Pixel, players should be aware of the important milestones listed below.

Phase 1: (January 9 - January 14) The First Pioneers

“A fertile land just waiting for your pixels to be applied.”

In phase 1: we wish to provide the game as a symbol of our appreciation to the warriors from the organizations that sponsored and supported this event in this section. Early enrollment will boost your chances of winning.

Raise your community to connect with us if you don't want to be late in developing your image.

***Noting that sponsorship is free, we welcome a large number of participants. The entire Sui community comes together for this occasion.

Please inquire with your community owner to learn if you have early access. You can join the game and play with us directly on the website if you meet the requirements.

Phase 2: (January 15 - January 22): Second-Generation Warriors

"Treasure is near, the conflict is intensifying, and we require more brave fighters,"

We'll have a pixel lottery with unexpected gifts in this section. Any pixel on the canvas will be chosen at random, and the person who is closest will then draw that tile. That person will receive the gift. Currently, the canvas has 10-pixel lottery boxes.

You can take part in this section if you accomplish the following:

Step 1: Retweet the event's post with the hashtag and your Discord ID (The sponsors' list can be found directly on the website banner.)

Step 2: Visit the following link to join our Discord: https://discord.gg/FX7u9FHSPc

Now that you're logged into Discord, you may play the game. wishing you a good experience!

Phase 3: (January 23 - January 26): World War

"This isn't our war anymore."

The game is open to everyone. All you have to do is sign in to Discord. Do everything you can to protect what you've created. There will be a terrible war!

Final Thought

The three milestones listed above are crucial while joining Sui Pixel; pay attention to them to avoid missing any key ones. Remember to follow Suipiens or another most popular communities on Sui Blockchain to stay up to date on the latest news regarding the hottest event on this Sui Network!

Be sure to check out Suipiens website and social media channels to stay up-to-date on all things about Sui Blockchain!

Official links about Suipiens: Website | Twitter | Discord