OwlSwap - Reimagining the visualization of DEX

OwlSwap - Reimagining the visualization of DEX
OwlSwap - Reimagining the visualization of DEX

Discover how OwlSwap is reimagining DEX visualization and empowering users with cutting-edge features. Join the decentralized finance revolution now!


OwlSwap Introduction

OwlSwap is a protocol that facilitates trading and automated liquidity provision on Sui. Their goal is to develop a user-friendly product that caters to new users by offering easy visualization, a simplified interface, and accessibility to individuals who have never used a DEX before. The aim is to ensure that everyone can utilize the platform without any difficulties, regardless of their experience with DEXs.

How OwlSwap is different from other DEXs?

OwlSwap distinguishes itself from other DEXs in several ways. Their team is highly decentralized, with members located in Asia (Hong Kong, China, and Singapore), South America, and Europe. This global presence allows them to cater to a wide range of users around the world.

OwlSwap is not just any ordinary DEX - they are a visualization DEX. They have spent over a year perfecting the UI/UX of their platform to ensure that it is intuitive and user-friendly, regardless of whether you are a seasoned crypto trader or a complete newbie.

In addition to OwlSwap’s intuitive platform, they also offer unique features unlike other DEXs, such as social and gaming aspects. They will soon be announcing exciting developments in this area, including the creation of games that enable users to earn actual tokens, NFTs, and access our social platform.

Project' features

OwlSwap Features

OwlSwap offers a range of cutting-edge features that make token trading on Sui more accessible and lucrative than ever before. Some of our key features include:

  • Owl School: Users can stake their OWLTOKENs to earn attractive profits.
  • Trading Visualization: Our platform features easy-to-use charts that enable users to deploy better trading strategies.
  • Token-Hunting Bot: This feature allows for instant buying of newly listed tokens, a feature that was previously only available on Binance. It enables users to trade faster than anyone else by inputting orders before the token is even listed. Additionally, users can mimic the trading strategies of more successful traders, which is a powerful tool that is unique to OwlSwap.

OwlSwap's cutting-edge features empower users to trade easily and confidently, offering a unique value proposition in decentralized finance.


OwlSwap Partners

OwlSwap's partnerships with numerous partners such as Sui Media, Sui Global, WEB3 space, Sui Ecosystem, Sui Insights, MoveMarketCap, and Suite, demonstrate their commitment to creating a robust and thriving DeFi ecosystem. With these strong partnerships, OwlSwap is well-positioned to continue innovating and expanding its offerings, empowering users with new opportunities to engage with decentralized finance.


OwlSwap Roadmap
  • 2022 Q4
    Owls assemble
    Official website
    Devnet Launch
  • 2023 Q1
    Private Sale
    Owl1 Launch
    Public Sale
  • 2023 Q2
    Owl2 Launch
    Fresh Token Hunting Bot
    Sui Tools aggregator
  • 2023 Q3
    NFT Launch
    More features


OwlSwap is a decentralized exchange (DEX) protocol that facilitates token trading and automated liquidity provision on the Sui blockchain. The platform aims to make token trading more accessible and user-friendly, even for those who are new to decentralized finance.

Currently, users can experience OwlSwap Tesnet, where they can explore the platform's features and functionalities in a test environment.

To wrap things up, OwlSwap's innovative features, user-friendly interface, and ambitious roadmap make it a promising player in the world of decentralized finance, and the Sui community can look forward to seeing how the platform evolves in the coming months and years.

Read more: Top 5 Decentralized Exchanges On Sui Blockchain In 2023

Important note: The information provided here is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as financial investment advice. It is essential that you conduct thorough research (DYOR - Do Your Own Research) and exercise caution before making any investment decisions.

Be sure to check out Suipiens' website and social media channels to stay up-to-date on all things about Sui Blockchain!

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